Wednesday, September 14, 2005

This terms talk short list

Here are some topics that we are considering covering this term in different groups.  The plan is to ask the home groups to pick 10 from the list and we'll go from there.
Pathfinders short list
  1. Christmas
  2. Heaven and Hell
  3. Can you be a Christian and not go to Church? (link with spiritual disiplines)
  4. Standing up for yourself (link with bullying)
Home group(s) short list:
  1. Abuse
  2. Be prepared / the future
  3. Booze
  4. Cancer
  5. Catholic...protestant...Jew...Muslim...why can't they all get on
  6. Censorship (Music / Film / Internet)
  7. Clubbing
  8. Consumerism
  9. Stress
  10. Cosmetic surgery / body image etc.
  11. Drugs
  12. Gossip
  13. Hedonism
  14. Love / relationships / affairs / break-ups etc.
  15. Politics - plug into make poverty history
  16. Purpose / God's plan
  17. Revenge
  18. Self control
  19. Hitting the self destruct button
  20. Teenage pregnancy / pressure for sex
  21. Terrorism 7/7 etc.
  22. The seven deadly sins
  23. Worry / fear
  24. Depression


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