Sunday, October 15, 2006


Just come back from the Cinema where we watched Accepted.  It has all the typical stuff you'd expect of a "teen flick", but it does raise a few interesting questions about education.  Basically the film is about a guy who doesn't get accepted to collage and as a result is deemed a failure who will never achieve anything.  So as a way out of this situation he creates this fake collage(with a building, dorms and everything) - it's enough to convince his parents and as it turns out, lots of parents to send their kids there.  Anyway loads of people turn up after been "accepted" at the collage, all paying 10k a term.
This film raises all kind of interesting questions about the nature of education - basically it argues for what we might call informal peer-lead education.   While this movie is no master piece I think it's one of those films that youthworkers and young people can relate to.  It was interesting that there were lots of cheers / applause from the audience during the screening (mostly youth).   I can't remember that last time that happened while I've been at the cinema...interesting.
You could certainly use the start of the film with the Life after school talk I outlined here.  There would also be scenes that you could use about rejection, acceptance, bullying (Sherman is made to do all these humiliating things in order to become a member of a fraternity) and the purpose of education...

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