Saturday, November 24, 2007

Risk assessment for concert

I've just got around to uploading the rest of the risk assessment we did for the Activate YFC concert we did back in July. Here are the main documents:


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Supervisor's guidelines for concert

Apologies for the lack of posts - we are dead busy. I'm am now in Calgary, Canada with work. However, I thought I'd upload the "Supervisor's guidelines" for the Activate concert we did a week ago. This idea is that we gave each regular volunteer a copy of this document before the concert so they knew what was expected from them. We then when through this just before the event itself. We gave a seperate document to those who would potentialy end up talking with the young people at the end of the night - I'll post this soon.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Risk assessment for concert

Last week we had a YFC team, Activate, working in our local school. It was hard work, but worth it!! On Friday night the team finished the week with a concert. We spend what seemed like an age doing a risk assessment for this, so we thought we'd share it with you all so it might save you some time if you ever have to do it.

The main risk assessment is here. I'll upload various other documents throughout the week ahead.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Risk assessment for residential

We've been working on a risk assessment for a YFC event that kicks off on the 9th June. Those of you who have had to do these before will know that it's useful to solicit other peoples ideas as they might think of something you haven't. Anyway, I thought I'd dig out some we've done in the past. Here's one we did for a residential last year.

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